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Student Balances
You will be able to locate your student’s Underground show choir balance using the last four digits of your student’s APS student ID. The attached pdf includes general show choir Fall 2021 balances and the current spring trip balance. If you had not paid the full show choir balance ($600 with half paid by the choir booster balance and the Sing It! Dance It! Fall camp), then your Spring trip payment was applied to those balances first. Our apologies for any confusion regarding Fall payment requirements and Booster/fundraising contribution to those balances. The updated spreadsheet includes parent/chaperone travel fees assigned to the student, as well as the 3d and final trip payment of $200. Please review the fees due and your balances as of February 27, 2022. If you have any questions regarding this sheet and your student's balance status, please do not hesitate to contact the treasurer at the email listed below.
Contact: Booster Treasurer at
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